Advices to frequently asked questions for Quanery Lite users
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Free Trial
Do you have any free trials or discounts?
Yes, we offer 1-month free trial for all users. Simply sign in and go through the payment gateway. No amount will be charged during the first month of use.
You can enjoy discounted package by subscribing our half-year or annual plan. More pricing and plans are available here:
How does the 1-month free trial work?
You can enjoy using all Quanery Lite functions and features for free for 1 month. After the 1st month, your subscription will automatically renew with our monthly plan.
Subscription Plans
Can I change my Quanery Lite login email?
No, your subscription is linked to the email which you made the subscription with.
Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription plan?
No, you cannot change your subscription until your current subscription expires.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription in your PayPal account.
Where can I see my billing record?
The payment records are available in your PayPal account.
Have other questions?
If you have other questions, please fill in the contact us form below so we can help.
Get in Touch
Email Us:
Call Us:
Hong Kong Office:
Unit 513A, 5/F, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Singapore Office:
8 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower Three #42-01, Singapore 038988
Taiwan Office:
No. 170, Section 3, Nanjing East Road, Zhongshan District Taipei City, Taiwan 10491